
Into a new love for life...

It's been SO long since my last post...New Year, new YOU, right!?

So many people try and improve themselves day after day....as do I.....I try and become someone I want to be, someone who is more patient, more tolerant, more loving.  Learning as much as I can from others who inspire me, and more about things I don't know about, (which is a LOT, it seems!) and that's what I have been doing.....learning, educating, and trying to spend more time with myself.  It hasn't been easy, not knowing why I need to do this, or why I WANT to, so I have just BEEN doing it, having faith in myself, knowing that it's necessary.

2013 was the TOUGHEST year yet....no lie.  Started the year with a HUGE HUGE blow to my family, and ended with so many deaths of my close friends......it really sent me into a tailspin.  Depression, sadness, anger.....and not understanding why so many amazing people had to leave our lives.  It was literally one after another.......one beautiful soul left this Earth after another.....people who taught me so many lessons, listened, talked and understood ME.  The REAL me.  Not the person I USED to be, but the person I have become.  The person who wants to be the best ME I can be.  The emotional, loving woman, that I have chosen to be.
I chose to be HAPPY this year.  No matter WHAT happens, what life throws into my path, no matter what issues get in the way.......I CHOOSE HAPPINESS.  Period.

I can feel the Universe pushing me to where I want to be in the future, the near future......traveling to live someplace not HERE, someplace warm, inviting, and loving.  Someplace where I can breathe.....live my life, and love WHERE I am.  I don't know where that place is YET, but it's coming, and very soon.

As far as my career, I'm staying with Scentsy.  I choose Scentsy, choose for this amazing company to be where I stay.....I love what I do, and don't want that part to change in my life, however, that part is changing too......I'm struggling in that aspect.....it's been tougher to make a living, and bring the money in to pay bills.  In sales, that is normal, however, I can't rely on it anymore.  SO, I've changed my view on it......I'm GOING to make this work for ME.....somehow (and I haven't gotten that far yet.....) I will find a way to book parties, bring my love of Scentsy into other's lives, and share the beautiful products with them!  For now, I've hit a wall, and am breaking it down......brick by brick.  I won't stop now.

I'm not a quitter, and never have been.  I'm a fighter.....I've fought my way through life so far, and I'm not weak......so I won't stop now!  I have amazing friends who I call FAMILY, and have the amazing support and love of the extraordinary people I work with.  Disappointing them, and myself, won't happen.

SO this is where my year starts.......choosing HAPPINESS......choosing MOVEMENT........choosing EDUCATION........choosing LOVE in my world, that will come from all around me.

How will you CHOSE to live this year.....and for years to come?  Will you CHOOSE to live, or just "go with the flow" and let LIFE choose your path?
Give me your feedback.....leave a comment.....find me on Facebook.....do whatever it takes.......just DON'T GIVE UP!  WE got this!




Simply Sam said...

Jill... I could have written this word for word last January and I stuck to every bit of it through 2013. You WILL come out stronger through all your trials and heartbreak.

Additionally, you should know you have been such a powerhouse of inspiration to/for me and you don't even know me. Thank you for being YOU! Soooo very much!

I don't know you, but I love you. Rock on Scentsy sistah! *biggie hugs*

Unknown said...

Oh Sam, thank you so much for your sweet words! I HOPE we get to meet, I would LOVE to give you a GIANT HUG!!! Sending you a cyber hug from Boston! XO ~Jilly

Gina Paulhus said...

What a great aspiration statement for the year. I wish you the best, Jill. And I truly mean that. I understand how it is to be self employed and try to beat the odds. It's not easy, but it's possible. When we lose something if we look hard enough something else comes and takes it's place. It's gonna be a great year.