
Sharing more of myself today...

Honestly, talking about myself has never been a comfortable thing with me.  Today......I'm going to share a little about myself....well, more of my passion.....that will kind of describe what I do BESIDES my health obsession. 

Perfectly Twisted Custom Design (click on that link-SO many more photos on the Facebook page! Don't forget to click the LIKE button, we LOVE our fans! ) is something that my boyfriend and I do as a small business.  It's SO fun for me to be able to create!  My outlet.  Gifts, clothing, vinyl decals, customization of almost anything.  I LOVE it!  SO SO fun.....check it out, on Facebook, and let me know what you think by leaving a comment.  (We appreciate hearing from everyone!) 

Here are some things that we have done in the past: 

Contact us if there is anything we can do for you!  Please remember to give us some time to be able to complete custom orders, we want to make sure that the quality of your finished products are ABOVE expectations! 

Until my next post......


Miracle to share, and I'm living proof!

So, over the last two years or so (probably a lot longer, but let's just start there for shits and giggles) I've been having some health issues.  Knowing the health problems that some people in my family have had, makes it even more of a nightmare to think about at my age.  I refuse to BE unhealthy, however, I haven't been HEALTHY either.  I was a caffeine abuser, to the extreme.  I was a sugar addict, and carbs addict (I'm sure some of you can totally relate to this!) and on top of ALL of that, I felt like SHIT.  The gaining weight, sleepless nights, exhausting days.....man, I was TIRED of being SICK and TIRED all of the time!!!  It plain SUCKED!! 

I thought that that was the worst of it.  You know, eat shitty, feel shitty, right?  Yet I didn't have the motivation to change it.  I was lazy, and getting fatter by the second.  No exaggeration.  At all.  Disgusting!

Back in September in 2014 I was diagnosed and treated with thyroid cancer.  That freaking word.  Cancer.  Seriously.  Not so scary unless YOU have it, huh?  Well, being a single mom, with a child with a disability, I NEED to be here.  Be here AND be healthy.  Right? 

Testing, blood work, treatment plan, then treated, but STILL, feeling like complete CRAP, and most days I couldn't even function.  I was grouchy, I HATED being in my own skin, because of the exhaustion, and none of it was becoming better.  Even AFTER my RAI treatment, still crappy. 

Fast forward (because I don't need to make you fall asleep while you're reading this) 

December 2014.....STILL feeling crappy...still exhausted (not the usual tired kind of exhaustion, more like, I ran a marathon and can't move kind) and no sign of a light at the end of the tunnel.  SUPER frustrated, and still wanting to NOT be me.  HATING being in my own skin.  NOT a good feeling.  AT ALL.

Symptoms....let's just say, I had some of the MOST crazy things happening to my body, and I won't go into details, but they were totally nuts!  I JUST wanted to FEEL like myself again, the rest, I could DEAL with.  The exhaustion was just PART of the problem.  I hurt.  My ENTIRE body was in excruciating pain. 

Oh, one thing about me....I REFUSE to take pain killers, and REFUSE to NOT know what the HELL is going on with me. REFUSE. 

More testing.  More blood work (at this point, I've given enough blood for tests to fill a swimming pool and my arms look like I'm some sort of walking junkie!) and more tests.  Now my doctors are concerned and are sending me to more doctors which are giving me MORE tests and taking MORE blood.  Clearly, they have NO idea what's going on, which is making it more stressful and causing more pain.  Yup.  NOT so good stuff. 

Finally my Endocrinologist referred me to her colleague and they started working together to figure out what the HELL was going on. 

In the meantime, I was "diagnosed" with let's see......Autoimmune diseases (including BOTH MS and Hashimoto's Disease) and "probable" other things (won't even GO there, because "probable" means SHIT to me, unless it's a "DEFINITE", it means keep testing!)  and to this day, I'm STILL in the midst of getting all of the test results back.......HOWEVER.......this is where it becomes crazy AWESOME!!!

Let me digress for a minute here, to before September last year.  I had ordered some products from some friends, (please understand, I'm a HUGE HUGE skeptic!) and totally doubted that these products would help me in ANY WAY.  Right?  Tell me I'm NOT alone there!!!  HA!
Ordered, and decided I was going to take control of my weight and my LIFE again.  Tired of being tired, shttiest feeling EVER!!

The package arrived, went grocery shopping and started my 21 Day Fix with Shakeology.  Okay, I know what you're thinking.....no WAY did it help, right?  You thought that, didn't ya?  Well.  You're WRONG.  So was I!  To my unbelievable surprise, not only did I feel AMAZINGGGGG, but I lost a SHIT TON of weight!  I did TWO rounds of the 21 Day Fix (for those people who attended NHS with me, that would be 42 days of the "fix")  and Shakeology (which is part of the program) and I LOVED IT!!!  Felt great, lost 35 lbs and most of all, I QUIT my caffeine addiction!!  No lie.  Crazy, right?  You would THINK that I would have kept going....but, combined with the fact that I was seeing an Endocrinologist, and finding the cancer, I totally stopped.  Stupid. 

Okay....back to the future here...let's fast forward to two weeks ago. 
Still seeing doctors, it's become a full time job, every single day it was SOMETHING for me to get done, Dr. appts, tests, labs, blah blah blah.  Only reason I was STILL dong it, was because I LITERALLY felt like DEATH.  Even sat down and spoke with my boyfriend and my son, and spoke about "if anything happens to me", you know, the talk you NEVER want to have.  ESPECIALLY at 45 years old.  Stupid crazy to me.

Well, after seeing the Endo and the Specialist AGAIN, they decided it was time to do Nuclear Testing on me.  Yup, you guessed it, I FREAKED OUT.  NUCLEAR WHAT!!??  Waaaaaaait a minute here, I don't need to glow in the dark, on TOP of all of the other shit I was dealing with!!  What the HELL!!??  THANKFULLY my doctors are AWESOME and talked me through all of the WHAT, WHERE, WHY, HOW and WHAT THE HELLS that I had.  They were AMAZING and I couldn't BE more blessed with them!!  So.  Monday (last week) was lab work, Tuesday started the testing, and was done with it on Wednesday.  Three day testing.  Fun!  Actually it was easier than I anticipated, and totally painless (thank GOD because I couldn't handle ANY more pain than I already had!) and walked out of there, still in pain, and still waiting for answers.  Frustrating to say the least!

Okay, need to know here, blood work is SUPER important for me to have the results ON PAPER so that I can see any changes and compare changes to my symptoms.  Keeping a journal of this, because of the pain, wasn't an EASY task, but I have been keeping up with all of it. WRITING was PAINFUL, and I HATED it!  Typing, brushing my hair, my teeth, ALL painful TORTURE.  Never mind putting clothes on.  THAT sucked.  Hands down it was the WORST!

Okay, okay.....SQUIRREL!!  I keep getting off track, which is one of my symptoms, believe it or not.  The NORMAL ADHD that I USUALLY have, is SOOOOOOOO much worse.  Forgetting things, ha, was like I had early onset Alzheimer's!  Awful!

Anywho.....moving on to the Thursday afternoon after my Nuclear Testing stuff....gave 17 viles of blood that afternoon and added urine tests on top (maybe for good luck?) let me just tell you how much fun THAT was!!  Blah!

My Endo called me that Friday.  She gave me the results of her portion of the testing that week.  Along with the AMAZING results of NO MORE CANCER, there was more......onto the blood work.  According to the labs, my test results have been EXACTLY the same as far as my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level, it was non-detectable.  Zero.  Zilch.  SUCKKOOOO!!!  Plus, my FREE T levels were crazy high, and none of my levels were changing.  None.  Six freaking months.  Why didn't they put me on meds, you ask?  Because I NEEDED to know WHY this was happening, finding out the ROOT CAUSE in all of this.  THAT is the ONLY way we could treat the symptoms, as far as my doctors and I are concerned.  BELIEVE ME, I would have taken relief, except I refuse to take anything except Advil.  That probably wasn't normal for the doctors to hear nowadays.  Either way, I wanted ANSWERS, not guesses, and I wanted a DEFINITIVE answer!  I DESERVE that.  Plus, if this is something I HAVE to deal with for this long, a few more weeks isn't going to matter.  Well, as long as I don't hurt anyone along the way.  Heh heh heh.....(KIDDING---GEESHHHHH, I'm not some asshole!) 

So what she told me, took me some serious time to absorb, and to actually hit me.  My levels (the ones that haven't budged in 6 months?) had changed, and my TSH is ACTUALLY RISING!!!  WHATTTTTT!!??  Yup.  TSH level looks like it's normalizing, andddddd my Free T levels are becoming lower, which means that my thyroid IS still functioning, still enlarged, but STILL WORKING!!!  HURRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!  Gah, I was really starting to believe it wasn't, and that I would have to have it removed.  Which would be fine, however, that also imposes a WHOLE SET of new issues, and if that was to happen, this post would be a WHOLE different story, right!?   Okay, so, let's recap:  Testing, Labs, Doctors, More tests, more labs, more doctors.  Got it?  Good.  Now.  THe last blood tests that I gave my Endo were the Monday of my tests, and then again on Thursday I had more labs, right?  Remember that?  Well, according to those, my levels are STARTING to move, after six months.  Good, right?  Good is an understatement for me.  This is FANTASTIC.  I knew I FELT a change, I mean, my pain STARTED to change.....I started feeling different within that last week.  TOTALLY different.  Looks like I'm heading in the right direction!!  YES!!  YAY ME!!  Let's get to the GOOD part here, cuz this is the part that totally (I consider) a miracle! 

So during this insanity that I call my life, I had been talking with my boyfriend about re-starting the Shakeology and 21 Day Fix program (it's amazing, if you have questions contact me, because I CAN help you with buying it, discounts, and will coach you along the way too!) to be honest, I totally WANTED to do it, but was questioning DOING it because of the extreme pain I was in.  I mean, I couldn't even take my trash out, how the HELL was I going to WORK out?  Right!?  See?  Crazy.  SOOOOOO.......I ordered it, I mean, what do I have to LOSE at THIS point in the game?  Screw it!  Called my girl Brooke, and told her the SUPER condensed version of what I was dealing with, what was going on, and what I wanted to DO about it.  Ordered.  DONE!  Also wanted the biggest discount I could get, right?  Don't we ALL?  So I did what ANY normal human being would do, I sign on to be a coach, WITH a discount, and WITH discounts for ALL future purchases.  BAM!  DONE!  Now.....the waiting game, I know it takes time for it to be delivered, but c'mon, I want it NOW!!  (in my BEST Verruca Salt voice!)

Received the package, tore that shit open, and made a shake RIGHT that second.  Yup.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited and happy that I did!  Why, you ask?  WHY?  I mean, well, it's DELISH, but besides that, I felt AMAZING the last time I did it.  Energy, strength, JOYYYYYYYYY!!  Yup.  Shakeology is my breakfast EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Let's get to the GREAT stuff here.......

So remember the talk with my Endo, about my levels improving?  Okay.  The ONLY thing that I changed over the last 6 months?  SHAKEOLOGY.  THE ONLY THING I CHANGED!!!!!!  Of COURSE I talked to ALL of my doctors about it, because I didn't want any issues.  I mean, do you BLAME me?  Funny thing, two of my doctors actually DRINK Shakeology daily.  Cool!  It's SAFE, its PACKED with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, from here on, I will call Shakeology "SHAKEO CRACK" It's seriously the BEST addiction I've ever had, I mean comparing it to my caffeine, sugar and carb addiction, it's a no-brainer!!  So, BEYOND the PROOF with my BLOOD TEST results, over the last year or two, to compare them all, the difference in levels, and the doctors reaction?  HA!  Ya, I won't be stopping the Shakeo Crack ANYTIME SOON, or later, for that matter!!!

The proof.....it's ME......and if it hadn't happened to ME, I wouldn't believe it for ONE second!!  Witnesses?  Oh, I have PLENTY of those, and proof of my symptoms, my pain, my uselessness over the last year or more, got that too, but the MOST AMAZING PART OF ALL OF THIS??  I haven't taken Advil (after taking doses EVERY DAY for a year or more) in almost TWO WEEKS!!  You guessed it, MY PAIN has DRASTICALLY subsided.  I CAN MOVE AGAIN!!  I CAN WALK AGAIN!!  I AM SMILING AGAIN!!  Even WORKING OUT AGAIN!!!  Miracle.  Say it with me, MIRACLE!!!  Again, I wouldn't have BELIEVED it, if it didn't happen to ME!!! 

Comment on this post if you would like more info on these products, I will be SO happy to spread the HAPPY HEALTHY stuff with you, and YOU can share it with everyone that YOU know too!!  Leave a comment, follow my posts, email, call, whatever, I'm right here!  HOPEFULLY I will be writing and posting videos now that I can FUNCTION, SMILE, and MOVE again!!


THIS is LIVING life, and THIS is getting BETTER and THIS WILL be ME again, SOONER than we ALL thought possible.  SOONER.  NOT later!!!

For today.....my post is finished, but there is MUCH more to write, seeing the doctors for more results at the end of May, and I WILL keep you updated with MORE good news!!

Until then...

XO  Jilly 


Saying goodbye is never easy

No one LIKES to say goodbye.  It's not easy.....it plain SUCKS.  Saying goodbye to a friend, a family member, a pet......it all just plain sucks. 

Knowing you won't hug that loved one again, it tears your heart out.  The pain is sometimes overwhelming, and grief....well, that sucks too. 

Over the last 5+ years, I've said goodbye to more loved ones than I would have imagined I would.  It all started with my husband, my son's father.  We lost Chris in March of 2009 to a snowmobile accident, and since then, it's been loss after loss.  

Last year was the most difficult for us, by far.  My "little brother" CJ passed away, unexpectedly, out of the blue, just like that.  Poof.  Gone.

Brent, my beautiful Brent.  He was next.  Even though we knew it was coming, it was more painful than I ever expected it to be.  Ouch.

The day after Brent, "Whitey".  Mike's Dad....the amazing, happy, playful man that we loved.....Whitey was gone.

Then Ed.  Eddie-skeddy......Ed was after that.  His year anniversary is this weekend, and I sit, still in shock that he's not here.  I miss Ed....that guy always had a wise-ass remark to throw at me.  Shit.  I miss him so much.  

So, over the last year alone, it's been a nightmare.  I've watched people die, and watched people I love, have THEIR loved-ones die.  People that are much too young.  People who don't get to LIVE, and they should be able to!  It's not okay.  I'm angry.  

Now, fast forward to a month or so ago.  Diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  Cancer.  The "C" word.  FUCK.  My entire life flashed....I've heard about it, but it did happen to me.  I saw MY ENTIRE LIFE flash before my eyes.  Started dissecting everything I've done, choices I've made, stupid, idiotic choices. Did I CAUSE this?  No.  It just happens sometimes, and I know this.  It doesn't HELP to know this.  I'll be honest.  It all happened so quickly, and for that I'm grateful.  Treatment is done, and hopefully it won't happen again, fingers crossed!  I won't know for a while if I'm "cancer free", but I will BELIEVE I am.....and that will make it so.  I'm still recovering from treatment, I'm tired.  Super tired.  I am starting to function better though, and that is a plus.  

Yesterday.  Sucked.  

Mike's dog, Maggie.  She's awesome.  I've loved her since the second I laid eyes on her, ten years ago.  Even though I TRIED to tell myself that I wouldn't fall in love with her.  (I had just had to put my pet bunny to sleep, and in my mind, refused to love another fur-baby in fear of that kind of pain again)  Those eyes, and when I came into the house, she smiled at me.  It melted my heart.  Seriously.  MELTED.  
Wouldn't YOU?  I mean LOOK......

Isn't she just the sweetest? 
She is.  Take my word for it.

Later today, we have to say goodbye for the last time, to Maggie.  We will miss her more than words can describe.  She will take a piece of ALL of our hearts with her, forever.  We love you Mags. 

Love, hugs, and belly rubs,

....your family....<3 <3 <3


Things that make me giggle.....

So it isn't often enough that I get to just sit and chat and giggle.....I mean, it's not that I wouldn't LOVE to just be able to sit and chat.  We would ALL love to do that, but clearly it's just not in the "responsibility" cards.  However, yesterday I did that. Not all day.....but the last few hours of the day, while I was winding down from a day filled with cutting butterflies, making diaper cakes, and running errands, all in between working, doing a training, talking to customers and taking orders for Scentsy, I got to just be ME.

One of the most amazing parts of my Scentsy business, is the people.  Cool, right!?  I mean, most people HATE their jobs, hate the people they work with, or have a douchenozzle of a boss.  Not me.  I have some seriously AMAZING people to work with, all over the world!

So last night, on Facebook (I know, I know!) a small bunch of us were totally cracking each other up......having a blast, being US.  Some people just "click".....and holy crap it was FUNNY.  We have about 18 days until our yearly convention.  We don't call it a "convention" because....well, we are family, so ours is called, "Scentsy FAMILY Reunion" and it's better than any fun-filled-crazy-family-holiday EVER!!  Seriously, there aren't words to describe how much fun we have.  No way can I describe the amount of FEELING of power we walk away with, and excitement we have instilled in us.  Nope.  Can't describe it for you.  Get over it.  If you wanna FEEL it, just come WITH us.

I won't get into the details of the conversation.  I mean, why would I?  However.....know there was a LOT of talking smack, swearing like truck drivers, and honest-to-God-belly laughs.  Best.  Job.  EVER!!

**Don't forget to comment after you read this!  If you're gonna be mean, just skip it!**

What the HECK are you waiting for!?  Join us, will ya!?  CLICK HERE to join us!

Until next time........LIVE GRATEFULLY!!  




Into a new love for life...

It's been SO long since my last post...New Year, new YOU, right!?

So many people try and improve themselves day after day....as do I.....I try and become someone I want to be, someone who is more patient, more tolerant, more loving.  Learning as much as I can from others who inspire me, and more about things I don't know about, (which is a LOT, it seems!) and that's what I have been doing.....learning, educating, and trying to spend more time with myself.  It hasn't been easy, not knowing why I need to do this, or why I WANT to, so I have just BEEN doing it, having faith in myself, knowing that it's necessary.

2013 was the TOUGHEST year yet....no lie.  Started the year with a HUGE HUGE blow to my family, and ended with so many deaths of my close friends......it really sent me into a tailspin.  Depression, sadness, anger.....and not understanding why so many amazing people had to leave our lives.  It was literally one after another.......one beautiful soul left this Earth after another.....people who taught me so many lessons, listened, talked and understood ME.  The REAL me.  Not the person I USED to be, but the person I have become.  The person who wants to be the best ME I can be.  The emotional, loving woman, that I have chosen to be.
I chose to be HAPPY this year.  No matter WHAT happens, what life throws into my path, no matter what issues get in the way.......I CHOOSE HAPPINESS.  Period.

I can feel the Universe pushing me to where I want to be in the future, the near future......traveling to live someplace not HERE, someplace warm, inviting, and loving.  Someplace where I can breathe.....live my life, and love WHERE I am.  I don't know where that place is YET, but it's coming, and very soon.

As far as my career, I'm staying with Scentsy.  I choose Scentsy, choose for this amazing company to be where I stay.....I love what I do, and don't want that part to change in my life, however, that part is changing too......I'm struggling in that aspect.....it's been tougher to make a living, and bring the money in to pay bills.  In sales, that is normal, however, I can't rely on it anymore.  SO, I've changed my view on it......I'm GOING to make this work for ME.....somehow (and I haven't gotten that far yet.....) I will find a way to book parties, bring my love of Scentsy into other's lives, and share the beautiful products with them!  For now, I've hit a wall, and am breaking it down......brick by brick.  I won't stop now.

I'm not a quitter, and never have been.  I'm a fighter.....I've fought my way through life so far, and I'm not weak......so I won't stop now!  I have amazing friends who I call FAMILY, and have the amazing support and love of the extraordinary people I work with.  Disappointing them, and myself, won't happen.

SO this is where my year starts.......choosing HAPPINESS......choosing MOVEMENT........choosing EDUCATION........choosing LOVE in my world, that will come from all around me.

How will you CHOSE to live this year.....and for years to come?  Will you CHOOSE to live, or just "go with the flow" and let LIFE choose your path?
Give me your feedback.....leave a comment.....find me on Facebook.....do whatever it takes.......just DON'T GIVE UP!  WE got this!




Gearing up......and SO pumped up, I could just PEE!

 Being totally serious....(okay, I'm trying my HARDEST to say that with a straight face) I'm getting ALL geared up to head to Indianapolis, Indiana for our Scentsy Family Reunion!  OH EMMMM GEEEEE!  I can't WAIT to get there!  Thousands of Scentsy Family Consultants are heading there too.  From ALL over the country and beyond, to ALL be together and CELEBRATE, LEARN and INSPIRE each other for our businesses.  Shit.  That reminds me.  I need to get my laundry done.  Dammit.  I hate laundry.

Anyways, packing my stuff (after I wash it, of course!) and preparing to see my mostest favoritest people in the world (besides Tyler, Mike and Jack!) and spend the week with them!!  EEEEKKKK!  I seriously am gonna EXPLODE with excitement!

So here's what the plan is.......

Day one (Tuesday)--Arrive in INDY!  My Jenny (that's what her nickname is)--Jenny Cottrell is picking me up at the airport in Ohio....why?  Because it's our plan, geesh, don't be picking me apart YET!  We will head into Indy, and get settled and ready to REGISTER on Tuesday night.  After registration, I am heading over to The Hard Rock Cafe to meet our group for a TEAM DINNER!  WOOT!  I always look forward to seeing everyone, and laughing my ASS off with them!  Our group is pretty freaking amazing, if I do say so myself!  We have the rest of the night free, and I'm hoping to see some others after that.

Day Two (Wednesday)--Scentsy 5k--okay, before you get some unreasonable vision of me, I won't be running the 5k.  I WILL however, be WALKING it, MAYBE.  That begins at 8am.  Yikes!
The day, after the 5K I have free.  Everyone other than Directors, Star Directors, and SuperStar Directors have to register on Wednesday.  THEN.....THEN.......Wait for it.......wait forrrrr ittt.....HEIDI'S BIRTHDAY BASH!!!  Heidi Thompson, the Co-CEO of Scentsy Family, Inc, is having her birthday celebration, and is SHARING the fun with US!  Not with EVERYONE, although, I'm sure she would LIKE to share it with everyone, there are only a few thousand of us who are going.....by a few thousand, I mean only a portion of the THOUSANDS of consultants going.  Okay, here's the kicker.......make sure you're sitting down for this one....hold on tight.......it's awesome.....KELLY CLARKSON is playing a concert to celebrate Heidi's BIRTHDAY BASH!!  OMG OMG OMG!!  I love Kelly!!  She's an amazing inspiration and example of the saying, "DREAMS DO COME TRUE!"  She had a dream, and she WENT FOR IT!!  That is what it's all about!  So we get to see her play!  I haven't been so excited about a concert since.....since......ha!  Since I saw Pat Benatar play a few years ago!  So, as you can imagine, I'm extremely freaking excited about this!!  So we all get to celebrate Heidi's birthday until around 9:30 pm.  After that, who knows, I'm SURE we can all find SOMETHING to do.  (Insert evil laugh here).


Day Three (Thursday)--Heading over to Lucas Memorial Stadium for General Session 1. This is when we get some MIND BLOWING TRAINING to help with our businesses. Not just our businesses, ourselves too. Dr. Brené Brown will be speaking to us! Don't know who SHE is? Well, go find out, cuz I just don't have TIME to explain how FREAKING AWESOME she is!

Then LUNCH, then another General Session (2) then FREE NIGHT! WOOT!

Day Four (Friday)--is always SUPER magical! General Session (3) and more education, learning, laughter and FUN!! We have another AMAZING guest speaker!! Daniel H. Pink is a KICK ASS author! How crazy is it that we get to learn from ALL of these amazing people!? EEEEEKKKKK!!!
Then LUNCH and then General Session (4) which is where, LAST YEAR, we heard from Orville Thompson, Heidi Thompson, Chuck Thompson, some wonderful people from Corporate, and some AWESOME consultants! After that, we have time to head back to our hotels, shower, eat, and head back to Lucas Stadium for AWARDS NIGHT! This year, I get to attend the AWARDS RECEPTION after Awards night and I AM FREAKING ECSTATIC about it!!!

Oh, waitttttttttt a minute.......back the TRUCK UP!!  I forgot the BESTEST part!  MARY CHRISTENSEN is going to be there too, to teach us some AMAZING things!  Holy CRAP I'm excited about that one too!!! 

So, when we first started making plans for Reunion, CLEARLY one of the first things you think of is...."Who am I going to room with?"  I mean, you don't wanna room with someone you don't get along with.  Duh.  You don't wanna room with someone who never sleeps, because then you are SCREWED!  You want to room with someone who is FUN, RESPECTFUL, and LIKE-MINDED, right!?  Well, I got lucky and have TWO of those people.....actually FOUR people who are "roomies".  Edie Anne and I decided a LONG time ago that we would bunk together at the JW MARRIOTT.  She had already reserved a few rooms, and we both decided that we would room together.  Shawnie and her hubby are taking one of the rooms, and Edie and I in the other.  Well, then things got down to the wire, and we added Karen, and Holly to our room list.  We had to, THEY ARE FUN, and SWEET, and AMAZING women, and why not!?  I mean, we, selfishly decided in the beginning that it would just be US.  Her and I.  Period.  Then, we thought twice.  Two more?  ABSOLUTELY!!  Give more than you take.  That's what it's all about.  We want them to have a great time, and we want to make SURE they do.  It will be amazing, and fun, and I'm SURE a bucket FULL of laughs.  SO that's the plan.  

I know that, knowing Edie, we will be posting videos, and blogs and photos while we are at Scentsy Family Reunion 2013.....so keep an eye out. Only 18 days until all of the FUN STARTS! WOOT! Hang on tight.......we are beginning to gear up for the RACE TO INDY!!!!


What does "Friend" mean to you......is everyone's definition different?

Fight for you
Respect you
Include you
Encourage you
Need you
Deserve you
Stand by you.

Tonight this is something that CLEARLY I need to blog about.......oh don't you get me wrong here, it's not just so-called "Friends" who need to KNOW and understand what the word means......and HOW to respect boundaries.

Listen, when you have friends, HEAR what they say to you.  Listen when they tell you something.  Respect what they need, and want from you, don't listen, and then do what YOU want to, because you want to.  How is that being a friend?  

When you have a friend who NEEDS you......you know, because they are fighting a fight, or feeling alone, lost or just plain SAD, be there for them.  Without having to be asked......just because you know, if that's how YOU felt, you would want a friend there with you.  If you have friends, you are LOYAL to those friends.  You don't pick a situation and decide you won't stick up for your friend, just because it makes you feel uncomfortable.  Loyalty.....ask yourself, are you a loyal friend?  Are your friends LOYAL to you?  Can you stick up for someone you care about, to someone else that you care about, and know that you are doing the right thing, even if it makes you feel like you are in the middle?  I know, without a doubt, that I can.  I stick up for people, friends or not, because right is right.  Period.  

Now apparently there aren't a lot of people around my area, who know what this all means.  No, I'm so not kidding here......sad, isn't it?  Sad that these people....are calling themselves "Friends" to SOMEONE........someplace, but you know they can never really BE a friend....I mean, how COULD they be someone's friend if they can't even listen when you tell them what you need and expect from them?  When they are SO self-centered that they only care about what is good for THEM at that very moment in time?

I don't want people around me like that.  I don't allow people in my life like that.  I NEED people around me who are GOOD people, who RESPECT each other, and who LISTEN to what their friends need......even if it's not convenient at that very moment.  Is that too much to ASK for??

I do have people around me who love me, and respect me.  I have a LOT of friends who do.  Some who live near, and some who live far, and believe me, I am SUPER blessed to have them ALL in my life.  

BEING a friend to someone, know that you are DESERVING of friendship also.....if they are a TRUE friend, it won't be HARD to do this for them.

I'm an adult here, and I know what I want out of life.  I know what I need to do to get there, and even with life's twists and turns, mistakes and screw-ups, I have goals, I won't stop until I reach them.  Never. However, I will NOT stomp on ANYONE along the way.  Not a friend, not family, not ANYONE, as long as I know they are a FRIEND.